Gator Golf Boosters
Make An Impact
Your donations help our organization procure and improve many items that enhance the Gator student/athlete golfer experience. Recently, member donations helped the Gator Golf Program procure new TrackMan swing technology and software. Helping the Gator Golf Program stay up-to-date with the top technology and important equipment updates is one of our major priorities. Software updates for our current devices alone can cost more than $2000 per year.
Supporting gator golf for over 50 years
For details of how you can get involved, please contact:
We are proud to announce that because of your generous donations and our growing membership, the Gator Golf Program has recently been able to purchase a brand-new tour van, a new sound system for the training area, essential upgrades to the patio area (including tables, chairs and grill), as well as general facilities upgrades.
Volunteers play an important role in providing our student-athletes with the best possible college experience.